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Developing an accurate and complete budget is one of the most critical components of executing a successful construction project.  Seegert Construction believes the clients we work with deserve complete and inclusive budgeting for every project we execute.  Accurate financial planning to complete any project requires accurately estimating anticipated costs.

The process of developing a complete budget includes:

  • Working closely with our clients to clearly understand all aspects of the project, allocating cost-effective, yet reasonable costs for each component of the work.

  • Working closely with an experienced team of consultants and engineers to assess applicable building codes, provide conceptual design parameters, and identify potential restrictions that may apply.

  • Clearly outlining what our budgeting includes, and at times more importantly, what it does not include, to enable our clients to adequately plan for other costs or provide feedback requesting additional items be included in our budget.

Seegert Construction has an excellent track record and prides ourselves with effectively constructing our construction projects with little or no change orders.


In a business where word-of-mouth and customer references are your largest form of advertising, quality can make or break your ability to survive.  Seegert Construction was founded on the principle that construction is an industry in which merit is paramount and that principle comes into play in everything we do.

Some methods utilized daily include:

  • Constant assessment and feedback by both ownership and peers within the company.  This is often noted daily in job walks, or constructability discussions.

  • Ongoing encouragement to take a personal stake & responsibility in the work we do – Strive to exceed customer expectations rather than merely meet them.

  • Prompt and aggressive action to correct work not in alignment with our high-quality expectations done by our work forces or that of a subcontractor, to maintain and affirm the company-wide attitude that we will not compromise the level of quality in which Seegert Construction was founded upon.


Seegert Construction constantly strives to maintain our reputation of doing what we say we’re going to do, when we say we’re going to do it.  In addition to applying this concept to everything we do, it especially applies to complying with project construction schedules.

Schedule compliance is insured by:

  • Developing a reasonable and achievable master schedule prior to commencing the work, for review and buy-in by all members of the construction team.

  • Clearly identifying potential construction activities that could have a negative impact on the schedule if not given proper attention.

  • Preparing and distributing weekly ‘Look-Ahead’ schedules to better define specific daily schedule expectations.

  • Weekly jobsite subcontractor meetings as necessary to assess the progress and assist with coordination among the trades working on-site.

  • Prompt identification of any problems that arise, with suggestions for prompt correction.

We’re committed to providing consistently reliable service in a timely and professional manner.

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